What do you look for when you're decorating your home? I'm probably an interior designer's nightmare. I tend to gravitate toward those things that are a little funky and the brighter and bolder the better. I mix styles: country and modern and Victorian and mission-style furniture. I especially like those things that make me smile and I was smiling large when I took a look at the home decor items being offered from Accent Furniture Direct's NotNeutral Collection of decorating items.

NotNeutral is a design company that creates design-oriented lifestyle products based on past and current projects by Rios Clementi Hale Studios. Signature pattern and color have become a NotNeutral trademark. Bold, colorful and innovative describe NotNeutral designs. They're patterned for consumers who love color, pattern and versatility...just like me.

And maybe one of you! Accent Furniture Direct has offered one lucky reader the chance to snag the item of their choice (up to $50) from their NotNeutral collection home decor line of items.
Mandatory Entry:
Click over to the NotNeutral Collection Home Decor site and peruse their line of great decorating items. Pick your favorite and leave me a comment telling me which item (under $50) you'll be choosing.
Extra Credit:
1) Follow my blog or take credit if you already do (left sidebar: 1 entry, leave 1 comment).
2) Tweet the giveaway, daily if you're in the mood (1 entry, leave one comment with your twitter id or tweet url).
Easy tweet you can use:
Not boring, not plain, NotNeutral giveaway: Win $50 to spend at the NotNeutral Home Decor site http://454.me/b1oar/
3) Blog it. It doesn't have to be long or wordy but it should link to this giveaway and the NotNeutral collection site. (3 entries, leave 3 comments with your post url).
US residents only. Giveaway will end on Sunday, July 26, 2009 @ 11:59pm EST. I will draw the winner using the randomizer and notify him/her via email. Please leave me a way besides smoke signals to contact you if your email address is not visible in your blogger profile. Accent Furniture Direct will coordinate with the winner to ship their item of choice to them directly; I'm just the middle-man.

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 283 Newer› Newest»I like and would probably get the notNeutral - In The Mix Dinnerware Collection if I won. But since I'm the first comment I will probably not win. Stupid number randomizers....
LOVE LOVE LOVE this: notNeutral - Blue Letters Pillow
tweeted http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/2603297767
I would like the notNeutral - Black Links Vase Set if I won. I looove it so much! It would look great in my living room! Great giveaway and great website!
I follow!
notNeutral - Black Ribbon Dinnerware Collection and the ants placemats! Cool items in their store.
I would probably choose 2 of the White Three Butterfly Tea Light Holders, the Season Placemat Set, and the White Leaf Trivet.
Follow your blog!
I would choose the leather covered magazine holder.
Thank you.
I'd like the notNeutral - In The Mix Dinnerware Collection. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I follow you on blogger
I'd love the Rome city on a plate. gorgeous.
I follow
I would select the Blue Flora Vase
Set and the white leaf trivet :)
I am a followr through google friend
I would love to get the notNeutral - In the Mix Salad Plate Set if I won. Thanks so much.
I'm a follower.
Thanks again.
I love the notNeutral - City on a Plate: Mexico City. =)
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
The white ant napkin rings are my fave!
ajcmeyer AT go DOt com
I like the notNeutral - Ribbon Double Old Fashioned Glassware Set. Thank you.
City on a Plate: Las Vegas
I love the notNeutral - Blue Letters Pillow.........it's just right!
I like the Black Ribbon Dinnerware Collection would go great with my dinning room chairs and table
I would choose the notNeutral In the Mix salad plate set.
The Brown Links Salad Plate Set would be my choice.
I would pick two notNeutral - Melamine Snack Set in Blue/Green
I like the green apple pillow! great stuff :)
I would get the notNeutral - Melamine Snack Set in Red/Black
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
blogged 1
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
blogged 2
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
blogged 3
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I would choose the notNeutral - Blue Flora Rim Bowl Set. Thanks for the chance.
I like the Melamine Snack Set in Blue/Green for my daughter, who because of health concerns has to have her food measured. I think that the presentation would make her feel better about that. Thanks!
Daily tweet:
i would pick one of the vase sets.. it was hard to choose one.
i'm following your blogger
here's a tweet
I really like the notNeutral - Black Ribbon Rim Bowl Set
I would buy the Kosta Boda - Cool Moon Mini Black Votive.
As of today, I follow!
I would choose the City on a Plate: Rome!
I would get the Fine Art Tapestries - Couture Pillow - Emily Adams.
the Transport decals for my sons room
notNeutral - Links Double Old Fashioned Glassware Set- love the design on them!
I'm a blog follower!
I think I'd choose in the mix dinnerwarw collection goes with my kitchen perfectly thanks.
I like the green season pillow
I really like the notNeutral - White Season Hurricanes - Set of Two.
I will buy notNeutral - Green Transport Pillow
I would definatly choose the Powell Heirloom Cherry Blanket Rack to hang my quilt on during the day. Very Pretty and functional. Thanks for the great giveaway. God's Blessings to all...
The In The Mix Dinner ware collection!
I's get the City on a Plate: Las Vegas for $45.00
I would get the Brown Links Espresso Set -- super cool!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
I like the notNeutral - Season Metal Lantern
tweeted: http://twitter.com/carogonza/status/2620275022
i love the notNeutral - Flora Placemat Set.
I really love the notNeutral Brown Season Serving Plate. It is so pretty.
City on a Plate: Rome is so unique!
I follow
I love the Blue Transport Pillow!
sweetbunnabunny at yahoo dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/Jessilyn82/status/2622374148
Blogged it #1: http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-auntie-thesis-to-enter-her.html
Blogged it #2: http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-auntie-thesis-to-enter-her.html
Blogged it #3: http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-auntie-thesis-to-enter-her.html
I like the notNeutral - Pink Count Border Kit
Either the Melamine Snack Set in Blue and green or the City on a plate set. Thanks!
I follow this blog!
I like the ribbon double old fashioned glassware set.
maybe city on a plate: London
tvollowitz at aol dot com
What to choose, what to choose! I love it all! I absolutely love the Blue Flora Rim Bowl Set. Just gorgeous!
Following on Twitter (whitechocolatec) & tweeted about this giveaway: http://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/status/2627016854
id like the notNeutral - Letters P3 Wall Panel Set
I would LOVE to own the notNeutral In the Mix Dinnerware Collection! it's gorgeous!
My favorite is the notNeutral - City on a Plate: London. Thanks for the giveaway!
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/2633907855
Daily tweet:
notNeutral - Brown Season Serving Plate
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/sunnyview99/status/2634507911
I blogged: http://wut-givz.blogspot.com/2009/07/auntiethesis-accent-furniture-direct.html
Entry #1
I blogged: http://wut-givz.blogspot.com/2009/07/auntiethesis-accent-furniture-direct.html
Entry #2
I blogged: http://wut-givz.blogspot.com/2009/07/auntiethesis-accent-furniture-direct.html
Entry #3
I would definitely choose the Green P3 Chalkboard Wall Panel.
I love the Rome Plate. Thanks for the chance.
i'd pick the in the mix small bowl set.
I am in love with their notNeutral - City on a Plate: New York City! So cool! Thank you!
I follow your blog!
I'm following you on Twitter and I tweeted http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/2639806166
thank you!
Daily tweet:
I would pick the notNeutral - Black Ribbon Salad Plate Set
I like the Set of 4 Letters Napkins.
I follow.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Spoodles/statuses/2654435849
Blogged here: http://spoodles.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/notneutral-giveaway/
Blogged here: http://spoodles.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/notneutral-giveaway/
Blogged here: http://spoodles.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/notneutral-giveaway/
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/2657322593
I love the notNeutral - Black Links Serving Plate! Thanks for the chance!
I'm feeling the Ribbon Carafe...but wow, there are so many great choices, I could easily change my mind!
I would choose the small Season Metal Lantern in persimmon red.
My favorite item is the Green Apples Pillow.
I like the Black Links Small Serving Bowl
ehhogan at bellsouth.net
Today's tweet: http://twitter.com/Spoodles/statuses/2670199320
Green count pillow - love it! http://www.accent-furniture-direct.com/notNeutral-10222200-NON1292.html
Daily tweet:
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/2671684614
I would definitely choose this item cause I luv it > Ashton Sutton Starburst Mirror!
Following your blog. skyskyaa11[at]gmail.com
tweeted- http://twitter.com/checkkers/status/2685659823
blogged 1 ... http://checkkers.blogspot.com/2009/07/fabulous-giveaway-not-boring-not-plain.html
blogged 2 ... http://checkkers.blogspot.com/2009/07/fabulous-giveaway-not-boring-not-plain.html
blogged 3 ... http://checkkers.blogspot.com/2009/07/fabulous-giveaway-not-boring-not-plain.html
i want the Links Double Old Fashioned Glassware Set!
Daily tweet:
Today's tweet: http://twitter.com/Spoodles/statuses/2690265881
daily tweet, http://twitter.com/checkkers/status/2691344435
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/2694878996
I would love to get the notNeutral-Green Count Pillow for my Living Room, really pretty! Thanks so much for such a wonderful giveaway!
Following your blog (furygirl3132)
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/furygirl3132/status/2697884701
What a great giveaway!! All of their products are great, but I would probably pick the Green Count Pillows. I would love to win!! Thank you :-)
email: dndevonalex@gmail.com
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/2706228834
daily tweet, http://twitter.com/checkkers/status/2707052644
Daily tweet:
Today's tweet: http://twitter.com/Spoodles/statuses/2707131166
notNeutral - Set of 4 Taupe Letters Cocktail Napkins.
I would get the City on a Plate Rome as a memoir of our honeymoon and because it is wicked cool.
I like the NYC on a plate.
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
blog follower
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
Daily tweet:
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/2723564622
daily tweet- http://twitter.com/checkkers/status/2727410091
Today's tweet: http://twitter.com/Spoodles/statuses/2730383256
I follow you on Blogger!
Blogger name: sweetbunnabunny
sweetbunnabunny at yahoo dot com
I tweeted!
sweetbunnabunny at yahoo dot com
I blogged!
sweetbunnabunny at yahoo dot com
I blogged!
sweetbunnabunny at yahoo dot com
I blogged!
sweetbunnabunny at yahoo dot com
Today's tweet: http://twitter.com/Spoodles/statuses/2736325949
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/2740683530
I like the notNeutral - Light Blue P3 Chalkboard Wall Panel. Awesome
Thank you for the chance
I like the notNeutral - In the Mix Small Bowl Set. Cute and useful!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Well I would most probably choose the notNeutral - Brown Links Espresso Set, after looking at all the items! I would love to give it to my husband as a gift, he would love it. Thanks for the giveaway!
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
daily tweet, http://twitter.com/checkkers/status/2746035467
I think I would pick the notNeutral - Black Links Vase Set.
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
I would choose the notNeutral - Melamine Snack Set in Red/Black!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
I follow!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
Today's tweet: http://twitter.com/Spoodles/statuses/2759255701
I love the dinner wear sets. So urban chic. My favorite under $50 is notNeutral - Flora P3 Wall Panel Set. Looks great for organizing.
I like the not neutral melamine snack set in red and black.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/2760890743
I like the notNeutral - Blue Letters Pillow or notNeutral - Black Links Small Bowl Set. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
daily tweet- http://twitter.com/checkkers/status/2763100153
I'd choose In the Mix small bowl set.
Today's tweet: http://twitter.com/Spoodles/statuses/2775579334
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/2779887734
daily tweet, http://twitter.com/checkkers/status/2786340259
I like the Black Ribbon Rim Bowl Set. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com
I love the notNeutral - Blue Flora Rim Bowl Set.
I like the Season Metal Lanterns. I could use them both indoors and outdoors.
I retweeted and I am a member and I like OIA - Laundry Basket with Canvas Bag and I am currently redoing my bath and this would be perfect in there
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/2804931481
daily tweet, http://twitter.com/checkkers/status/2810485217
I would choose the Cathryn Three Light Bath Vanity Fixture in Brushed Nickel by Craftmade because we're remodeling our master bath one piece at a time.
I follow your blog!
The City on a Plate set, but NYC is my favorite. :)
tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/2820512963
In The Mix Dinnerware Collection by notNeutral intime@myself.com
I'd choose the London City on a Plate, it's cool!
I'm a follower!
daily tweet, http://twitter.com/checkkers/status/2829354325
In the Mix Small Bowl Set by notNeutral
follow your blog
Tweet http://twitter.com/dlb1980/status/2831174019
I love the notNeutral 01033003 - Brown Links Espresso Set. Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow your blog.
I like the Season Metal Lantern in persimmon red.
Everything on there is so cute. I collect pigs though so I'd like to think I'd pick either the chick piggy or the pretty piggy. but... I think the thing id like most is the Melamine Snack Set in Blue/Green.
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I'd choose the In The Mix Salad Tray Set for $43.20!
I'd choose the notNeutral 01363900 - Black Ribbon Rim Bowl Set
SKU #: NON1234
I follow via Google Friend Connect.
I follow auntiethesis on Twitter.
I tweeted:
I would like the City on a Plate: London. That is so cool!
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
I follow!
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
I really like the Blue Flora Vase Set and the Ribbon Highball Set. They have some very cute stuff.
detroit.mommy (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted this @detroitmommy
detroit.mommy (at) gmail (dot) com
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