Tuesday, March 2, 2010

***CLOSED***Giveaway: Horizon Organic Chocolate Milk

I'll be the first to admit, I used to have a bias toward anything "organic". To me, organic meant more money and I always associated the word with things that are "green"..like lettuce and alfalfa sprouts. Images of Birkenstock-wearing hippies danced through my head whenever someone would mention the dreaded "O" word. My grocery store had a whole separate section where they hid those "organic" freaks..a place I never ventured.

Times are changing and so has my opinion. Organic foods are no longer out of my price range and they're no longer segregated in their own hidden corner at my local grocery. Organic products are happily mingling with those regular products I normally buy and more often they're also finding their way into my grocery cart.

Horizon Dairy has been around since 1991. Horizon Organic products are produced without antibiotics, pesticides or cloning, from cows not given added growth hormones. In addition, Horizon helped to develop the National Organic Standards and the USDA Organic Seal; they're pioneers in the organic field. They take the Organic Standards of Care seriously and strive to make sure any foods they produce are the purest, safest and highest-quality organic milk and dairy products that consumers can purchase.

I recently had the opportunity to try Horizon Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk Plus DHA Omega-3. DHA Omega-3 is an important nutrient that helps support heart, brain and eye health. I have to admit, I was skeptical. Would it taste as good as the regular chocolate milk I usually buy?

Horizon Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk more than passed the taste-test with my daughter and son. Both of them are chocolate milk connoisseurs and neither one of them could tell the milk was lowfat. It was creamy and had a rich chocolate taste. Childhood obesity is such a prevalent topic today. Any time I can introduce something low fat into my children's diet that they enjoy makes me feel like I'm making strides in insuring their future good health. Couple that with the fact that I'm not introducing extra pesticides and unneeded chemicals makes me feel even better about buying Horizon Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk.

I was also surprised by the shelf-life. I purchased two half-gallons of Horizon Organic Chocolate Milk almost a week ago and the sell-by date on the one half-gallon that is left is March 31, 2010. No worries that my chocolate milk is going to go bad in a few weeks; the shelf-life is impressive for an organic product. I seriously doubt it will last that long; there's barely a glass left in the half gallon I still have in the refrigerator. The only reason it's survived the locusts is because it was hidden behind a pitcher of my Crystal Light.

Horizon Dairy is also going to give two of you the chance to try their Lowfat Chocolate Milk Plus DHA Omega-3, too.

Prize: Two readers will each win 4 coupons: two free half-gallons of chocolate milk and two more coupons for $1.00 off a half-gallon.

Mandatory Entry:

1) Stop by Horizon Dairy and take a look around their site. Let me know another Horizon Dairy product you'd also like to try. (1 entry, leave 1 comment).

Extra Credit:

2) Follow my blog (left sidebar), or take credit if you already do (1 entry, leave 1 comment).

3) Follow Horizon Dairy on Twitter. (2 entries, leave 2 comments with your Twitter name).

4) Follow me on Twitter and tweet the giveaway, can be done daily. (1 entry, leave 1 comment with your tweet url)

Easy tweet you can use:

Horizon Organic Chocolate Milk giveaway, win 2 free @horizondairy half-gallons & coupons. 2 winners. Ends 3/10. http://tiny.cc/nr11o

5) Follow Horizon Dairy on Facebook. (3 entries, leave 3 comments with your Facebook name).

6) Add my blog button (upper right sidebar) to your blog, or take credit if you already have it. (5 entries, leave 5 comments with your blog url).

US residents only. Giveaway ends on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 11:59 pm EST. Winners will be drawn using Random.org and notified by email. Please leave me a way to contact you if your email address is not visible in your blogger profile. Winners will have 48 hours to respond with shipping information before there's a do-over. Coupons will be shipped to the winners by Horizon, I'm just the middle-man.


Amber said... 2

I would love to try their fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Chip said... 3

I'm sure my kids would like their Tuberz.


Mandee said... 4

We'll have to give this a try. We are huge milk drinkers in our house and with having 4 boys we go through a LOT of milk! Thanks for the review. :)

cmcathiem02@gmail.com said... 7

My son told me yesterday to buy the chocolate milk. He had it at a friends house.

mogrill said... 12

I would also love to try the butter!! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said... 16

Already following Auntie Thesis with Google Friend Connect [Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug}]

hale2005 said... 26

I would like to try their organic cheese.


Kimberly said... 32

I follow Horizon on twitter #1 @Aerated
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said... 33

I follow Horizion on twitter # 2 @Aerated
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said... 34

I follow you on twitter and tweeted.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Joan Elliott said... 36

I'd like to try Horizon's Fruit on the Bottom yogurt.
hi_joan_elliott at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 37

Would love to try their cheese sticks. Thanks for the chance to win a prize my kids would love! :)
onefrugalmama [at] yahoo [dot] com

avs96bm said... 38

I would also like to try their fruit on the bottom yogurt cups, I bet my little one would love those.

Kimberly said... 44

daily tweet
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

wendym said... 47

I'd like to try the Horizon Shredded Mozzarella Cheese!

wendym at cableone dot net

Happi Shopr said... 48

I'd like to try the sour cream for taco night. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Storm Safety Blog said... 49

I think the Tuberz yogurt tubes would be a great on-the-go breakfast or snack. The Surfin' Strawberry or Strawberry Lemonade varieties appeal to me.

Unknown said... 51

This is such a nice giveaway. :)I'm a real fan of milk products and milk in general and I always drink low fat milk. I've never tried this product but those fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt cups sounds nice too. :)