Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Unofficial Rules for Giveaways

I figured I'd give an overview for entering any giveaways I host on my blog:

1) I don't have a newsletter. I'm being a rebel. I don't want to be the email that clogs up someone's inbox and gets deleted without being read. I suppose my almighty "stats" would be better if I had one but time is more important to me. Running a close race with "Family", "Health", "Security", "Work", "Friends", and "Money", time is pretty valuable to me so I'm going to make the assumption it's worth something to anyone who happens by to read my writings. It takes just as much time to flip over here to my blog than it does to open my nonexistent daily email and read it, without clogging up your inbox. There's always the "RSS Feed" option but I'm betting a lot of you don't use it either. I've signed up for "feeds" when entering other giveaways for that extra entry. They go to a dark place known as my "Google Reader". I don't know who's reading my "Google Reader" but it's not me. I went there once and quietly lost my mind.

2) Do not fav me on Technorati. I'm protesting their "monster" who someone should have stabbed in the heart with a stake by now and killed. Seriously Technorati, fav'ing anything on your site causes me to clench my teeth while refreshing every 1/4 second. When I finally get a site fav'd, I'm ready for a stiff drink and bed because I feel like I just won the Olympic Gold in Internet Irritations. Do all of us a favor, buy a brand new bitching server and be done with it already. Everyone knows that when you hear a noise in the basement, there's a monster down there. Smart people don't go downstairs then. You, Technorati, have become the basement. I'm not venturing down there and I'm not telling anyone else to until you off the monster. If you even worked half the time, I'd use you but now all I want to do is pop you right in your "tangled tentacles".

3) StumbleUpon. Seriously, I stumble but I never look at anyone's "stumbles". Should I? Do you? Why? Is this a stat thing again? These are all rhetorical questions since this is another one of those sites that just manages to piss me off every time I go there. So we're not going there.

Usually, but not always, I'll give credit for following my blog on Blogger (now known as "Google Friend Connect" because we can always use more friends), tweeting the giveaway-daily if you want, Facebooking the giveaway link or emailing your friends. If the option is given for blogging, you'll always get more than one entry because that's a pain in the ass-you deserve extra. You may ask yourself why you'd want to get the word out, doesn't that cut your odds if more people enter? Why yes, for this giveaway it will, but the more successful blog giveaways are as a whole, the more sponsors will want to do blog giveaways, the more giveaways there will be out there in the blogosphere for you to enter. Of course, if you're really smitten with the giveaway and want to rent the Goodyear Blimp and plaster my giveaway on the side and fly it over the stadium, you'll have my awe and an extra entry to boot...okay, two.

Showing the sponsor the love will always been included for extra credit, when available. If the sponsor has a newsletter, Twitter or Facebook account, there will always be extra entries allowed for signing up or following. I always try to add the links right in the rules so you never have to hunt it down for an entry. Again, we're all about the valuable time here and not wasting it.

In all cases I ask that every entry be left as a separate comment. That means if you're getting 3 entries for blogging, leave me three comments with your blog url. I can do math but it usually leaves me with a migraine. My checkbook hasn't been balanced since 2003, the bank is really great about telling me how I've screwed my account...again. If I have to add entries for you, I may miscalculate and rip you off for an entry. Copy/paste is quick and I refuse to require a "word verification"; when spammers hit my blog, I may change my mind. But for now, comments will be quick & simple. There's no comment moderation here either. So far, none has ever been needed.

If your email address is not visible in your profile and you don't have a blog on blogger, leave me a way to contact you besides smoke signals. Twitter id, your email in code like Nicholas Cage in Windtalkers, some way for me to reach you so I can tell you you've won. If you don't, I will post the winner on my blog and give you two days to find it and claim your swag. Since I don't have a newsletter, you'll have to make note of the end date and check back. Since I have difficulty remembering what I ate for breakfast yesterday, I'm going to assume most of you might suffer some difficulty remembering where and what you entered and when you're supposed to check back. You can also do a Google blog search. I usually plug in my blogger id and the word "winner" hit "search" and then click the "sorted by date" option on the upper right side when I get the results (which will show you the newest results first) to check to see if I show up anywhere. While reliable, this method is not guaranteed. I will never host a giveaway that requires anyone to check back to see if they've won; I will always make the attempt to notify you. You'll have two days to respond to my email in which I will make a valiant effort to alert you to the fact that you won a real giveaway and not the International Irish Lottery worth $9 million Yen on behalf of Madam Isabella Boulevard Manicotti's dearly departed brother's half-cousin who needs your "SINCIRE ASSISTENCE".

All-in-all, read whatever rules I dreamed up and put at the end of the giveaway. They usually follow the above guidelines and they normally don't require much of your time because entering a giveaway should be fun with minimal work.

Good luck!


Adaptable Kay said... 1

Haha. That just gave me a good laugh :D I agree with a lot of what you said. I protest a few of those like technori or whatever the heck it is and stumble. I do however have a newsletter-I figure if people signed up for it, they can do whatever they want with it.
All in all whatever works for you, you do. It's that simple.