I love the smell of coffee brewing. There's something about a good cup of coffee that just makes me inhale deeply and sigh. As far as drinking it goes, I need foo-foo. I love anything frothy and foaming and full of flavors like chocolate, caramel, and vanilla. My husband, on the other hand, has to have his full pot of coffee in the morning..plain, boring "Original Roast" with milk and sugar. Since he gets up at 1 am, he usually drinks about 3 cups while getting ready for work and takes the remainder of the pot in his thermos for the rest of the morning. Our coffee maker then sits, unused, until the next morning when he gets up.
If I crave a cup, I just want one and I want it yummy. I have instants with flavor that I make when I'm really desperate. I warm up the old tea kettle and mix a few teaspoons with hot water and add my own milk. I have a one-cup maker but the flavor is watery. And there's no foam, there's no froth, there's very little foo in my home-brewed foo-foo coffee. I've been known to make a trip out during the day just so I can pull through the Starbucks drive-thru and grab Grande of Mocha to go.
But as I sit here and type this in my sweatpants with my hair standing straight up on my head, I can tell you I'm sipping foam, lots of froth, a whole lot of foo-foo and best of all, great flavor. I'm having a cup of Cappuccino Primo that I just made in my Tassimo T20 from Bosch and it is pure heaven.
I even gave my husband a taste and he pronounced it "kick-a-poo go-go juice". It's definitely full of delicious flavor; not weak and watery. The Cappuccino Primo is actually a two-step process. For this coffee, T Discs come paired; one milk creamer disc and one coffee disc. I made the creamer disc first and then the coffee. The Tassimo reads the bar codes on each T Disc and knows the exact temperature, pressure and time it takes to brew a perfect drink every time. Yes, those tiny T Discs each come bar-coded; the Tassimo is one smart cookie.

For my review, I received the black Tassimo T20 but it also comes in white with optional Tassimo color kits to match your decor: Strawberry Red, Lime Green, Hazelnut Brown and even Mint Blue which looks like that popular turquoise color that's made a come-back in home decorating.

The Tassimo T20 makes coffee, tea, cappuccino, latte, crema, espresso and hot cocoa with popular brands like Starbucks, Gevalia, Maxwell House (hubby's favorite),and Twinings. I can't wait to try the Tassimo Milka Hot Chocolate. There's also no lag with the Tassimo; it starts brewing almost immediately and takes about 1 minute to make a cup. There's a soft hum when you push the start button and then you've got contact. It's hot enough that steam rose from my cup as it was brewing.
One of the features I like the best is the removable tank reservoir for the water. No more attempting to pour water into the machine as it sits on the counter; just remove the reservoir and fill it up. Plenty of times my eyes were just not open enough in the morning to fill my previous 1-cup coffee maker and I ended up with water all over the coffee maker and the counter. There is no easy way to take a coffee cup full of water and pour it into a coffee maker on a counter. There are markings right on the reservoir for "minimum" and "maximum". So if you're in the mood for more than one cup, fill up the reservoir and make yourself another. Just one cup...use the minimum line.
The Tassimo is also smart enough to tell you when it needs cleaning. There's a Service T Disc that comes with your Tassimo (and it even has it's own spot on the back of the machine for storing the Service T Disc and instructions. Before your first use, you need to use your Service T-Disc and a full reservoir of water and cycle the brewer 5 times. There's a light on the front of the brewer that will light up when it's time to descale the Tassimo. My prior coffee maker just let me guess by not working at all when the brewer was dirty. I need the visual reminder that it's time to clean. Tassimo also recommends cycling the brewer after making a hot milk T Disc so that a subsequent cup of coffee is full coffee and not milk-flavored.
You can even adjust the strength of your coffee. Say you like a brew but it's a bit strong for your liking. You always have the option of using the manual icon and extending the brewing process to get your desired drink strength. That's not the only thing adjustable either. Your cup size is fully customizable. Small espresso cups...just adjust the cup stand a bit higher. Latte mug...pull the cup stand all the way out; a great feature for those travel mugs.
Where can you buy the Tassimo: Walmart; Bed, Bath, and Beyond; Target, Kohl's and Macy's and from Tassimo Direct online. It retails for $129.99 (and Bed, Bath, and Beyond has a $30 rebate going on right now on the T20 until 12/31/10). But one of you reading is going to win one, just like the one I reviewed.
Mandatory Entry
Visit Tassimo and take a look at all the T Discs Tassimo offers and let me know which one you want to try first.
Extra Credit
1) Follow my blog with blogger or take credit if you already do. (2 extra entries, leave 2 comments)
2) Follow me on Twitter (1 entry, leave 1 comment with your Twitter name)
3) Follow Tassimo on Twitter (1 extra entry, leave 1 comment with your Twitter name)
4) Like Tassimo on Facebook (1 extra entry, leave 1 comment with your Facebook name).
5) Write on Tassimo's Facebook wall and tell them you're entering the giveaway at AuntieThesis. (1 entry, leave 1 comment).
6) Snag my uber-cool button for your blog (3 entries, leave 3 comments with your blog url)
7) Add me to your blogroll (3 entries, leave 3 comments with your blog url)
8) **Daily entry** Tweet the giveaway. An easy tweet you can use:
Enter the giveaway @auntiethesis to win a Tassimo T20 Brewer & T Discs (arv $129) from @TassimoTaster. Ends 1/17. http://bit.ly/dSC47k
You can tweet once a day until the end of the giveaway. Each tweet is one entry and make sure you leave your tweet url for your extra credit.
US residents only. The giveaway ends on Monday, January 17, 2011 at 11:59PM EST. Leave me a way to contact you if your email address is not listed in your email profile. The winner will be drawn via Random.org and notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond before there's a do-over. Product will be shipped directly to winner by the sponsor; I'm just the middleman.
Disclosure: I was shipped a free Tassimo T20 and two packages of T Discs to facilitate my review.

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 709 Newer› Newest»I would like to try the carte noire kenya first.
I am a gfc follower.
I want to try the Milka Hot Chocolate first. Thanks!
tomtwo78 at gmail dot com
I would like to try the Milka Hot Chocolate.
I like the milka hot chocolate.
The first one I want to try is Gevalia's Signature Crema Coffee
Following you on twitter: tandek589
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Like Tassimo on FB: tobyklang
Left a message on Tassimo's wall that I entered their contest at AuntieThesis
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/tandek589/status/19554288455909376
I would like to try T Disc Twining’s® Earl Grey.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I would like to try the Gevalia Signature Blend Coffee T-discs
abfantom at yahoo dot com
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abfantom at yahoo dot com
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abfantom at yahoo dot com
I would love to try Twining's® Chai Tea Latte. Yummy!
email in profile
I follow your blog via GFC 1- heatherzilla
I follow your blog via GFC 2 - heatherzilla
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I'd like to try Starbucks Breakfast Blend.
kport207 at gmail dot com
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kport207 at gmail dot com
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kport207 at gmail dot com
I want to try the Maxwell House Café Collection French Roast Coffee
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I follow you on Twitter - hity88
I follow Tassimo on Twitter - hity88
I like Tassimo on fb - Richard T.
I wrote on Tassimo fb wall that I entered from AuntieThesis
I want to try the Maxwell House Café Collection House Blend Decaffeinated Coffee
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I follow you on Twitter - hiann88
I follow Tassimo on Twitter - hiann88
I like Tassimo on fb - Anna T.
I wrote on Tassimo fb wall that I entered from AuntieThesis
I'd like to try the Starbucks Cafe Verona first.
unclebonald at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter (PTSweeper)
unclebonald at gmail dot com
I follow Tassimo on Twitter (PTSweeper).
unclebonald at gmail dot com
I'd like to try the Jacobs Latte Macchiato.
like to try twinnings chai tea latte
followed you on blogger
I would love to try starbucks breakfast blend! tracietrump@yahoo.com
Like Tassimo on FB! tracietrump@yahoo.com
I would love to try the Gevalia Crema!
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Tweet Tweet!
I would like to try the Starbucks Breakfast Blend t disc.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Follow you on Twitter; rhoneygee
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
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rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Like Tassimo on Facebook: Rebecca Honey Graham
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Wrote on Tassimo's Facebook wall that I entered the giveaway at Auntie Thesis.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/rhoneygee/status/19665098939310080
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I would love to try the Starbucks Caffe Verona-Thanks!
Following you on twitter (scrunquist)
Following Tassimo on Twitter!(scrunquist)
Liking Tassimo on Facebook, too!
I would like to try the Gevalia French Vanilla disc first!
First I'd try good ole' Maxwell House then the hot chocolate.
I would try the Starbuck's Breakfast Blend. calvad(at)aol(dot)com
I would love to try the Starbucks cappuccino t-disk.
Follow on Twitter as Jarza_Quinntes
Tweeted giveaway
I'd like to try the Starbucks breakfast blend.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I want to try the Gevalia French Vanilla coffee.
I would like to try T Disc Twining’s® Earl Grey
I like the Gevalia French Vanilla coffee.
thank you
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thank you
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thank you
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thank you
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thank you
thank you
Definitely the first one I'd like to try is the Gevalia Caramel Latte Macchiato.
iridia718 at gmail dot com
Starbucks breakfast blend
I would try the Milka Hot Chocolate T-Discs first--I love Milka!
ohkeeka at gmail dot com
I follow on Blogger (1)
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ohkeeka at gmail dot com
I LOVE vanilla so I would want to try the the Gevalia French Vanilla coffee
follow you on twitter @kdkdkd
follow Tassimo on twitter @kdkdkd
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/kdkdkd/status/19920495008817152
I would like the Milka Hot Chocolate
I would like the Milka Hot Chocolate
the gevalia french vanilla
I would love to try the hot chocolate!
starbucks house brew
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
starbucks house brew
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
I present you...my daily tweet!
I would love to try the Twinings Chai Tea Latte. Thanks so much for the chance! :)
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
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I tweeted: http://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/20036695420309505
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
I would love to try the like HOt chocolate
http://twitter.com/#!/mkjmc/status/20070487371546625 tweeted
YOur twitter follower @mkjmc
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Kathy Persons
I like the Tazo awake tea
I like Tassimo on fb.
Jean Fischer
Gevalia Sweet & Creamy Iced Coffee thats what I would love to try first
I follow ur blog 1
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Sabrina West Woodruff
I Wrote on Tassimo's Facebook wall
Sabrina West Woodruff
I'd get Starbucks breakfast blend
I would love to try the Gevalia Crema
Id love to try the Starbucks breakfast blend.
Thanks for the chance.
Mastro Lorenzo Espresso
Daily tweet!
http://twitter.com/#!/mkjmc/status/20440222969892864 tweeted
I'd like to try Starbucks Caffe Verona.
How fun! I'd love to try the Starbucks Primo Latte flavor! My fiance and I are getting married soon and on a tight budget. We don't own a coffee maker yet, winning this would be so nice!
I follow via GFC (Nicole-Lynn).
Entry 1
Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/20697014509502465
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
I would love to try the Starbucks Breakfast Blend.
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(Shanna A)
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gevalia french vanilla thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net
I would like to try the Tazo Awake tea.
ksgillmore at yahoo dot com
I like Tassimo on FB - Janet Fri
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/21017918904991744
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
id like to try the chai latte
chai latte
I would try the Earl Grey
Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/21393520556244992
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
I want to try the Gevalia Caramel Latte Macchiato first! :)
1 - public GFC follower
2 - public GFC follower
I follow on Twitter @megans_madness
I follow Tassimo on Twitter @megans_madness
I like Tassimo on FB. :)
(Megan B - can you email me to verify? :) )
tweet 1/1 http://twitter.com/#!/megans_madness/status/21395311687634944
I'd like to try the chai tea latte.
I can't wait to try the Milka Hot Chocolate-yummy!
hmhenderson At yahoo DOT com
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follow you on twitter @HendyMartin
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hmhenderson At yahoo DOT com
hmhenderson At yahoo DOT com
I'd like to try the Starbucks cappuccino primo.
I follow your blog #1
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I like Tassimo on facebook.. Danielle Meek
I want to try Starbucks® Africa Kitamu™.
lafittelady at gmail.com
I follow you on Twitter @Lisa4Christ.
lafittelady at gmail.com
I follow TassimoTaster on Twitter @Lisa4Christ.
lafittelady at gmail.com
I'd try the milko hot chocolate
msboatgal at aol.com
like tassimo on fb
msboatgal at aol.com
commented on tassimo wall
msboatgal at aol.com
lafittelady at gmail.com
I'd try the Gevalia Sweet & Creamy Iced Coffee.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
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eswright18 at gmail dot com
eswright18 at gmail dot com
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